You know the older we all get, the faster time flies by. This is so true!! And wow, 2021 is flying by like nobody’s business for sure. Before we know it, the holidays will be upon us!!!
I’ve been (not active) on this Beauty and Makeup Site long enough. MIA… I can’t exactly give you a reason why. I guess trying to keep up with my YouTube channel and social media has been a struggle for me as of late. I helped my daughter-in-law out with her fruits and veggies produce stand during the summer of this year, and could barely keep up with filming and uploading my videos. Also, being active with the other social media platforms was so hit or miss during that time! So blogging has taken a back seat for quite awhile now. I’m finally ready to roll up my sleeves and put in some hard work in BOTH areas…YouTube and blogging.
Fall 2021
I’m loving fall season so far; even though we haven’t had any (real) fall weather yet. I’ve got my house all decorated for autumn. It’s beautiful if I do say so myself. 😉
About Avon
Some other news…I quit Avon the beginning of January of this year. Avon was a very expensive hobby for me. I tried hard to gather sales, however, NOT HARD ENOUGH! I love the products, but just needed a change. And you know what?? I have not looked at a single brochure or browsed on the site since I quit. For real!! lol
YouTube Channel
My Beauty Channel has grown well within a year’s time. Of course, I don’t think it’s grown fast enough. I have 164 subscribers as I type this blog entry. By the way, I have a new fall giveaway coming up. It begins October 18th and goes through November 1st. I announced the event on YouTube and have started getting subscribers due to the announcement on my channel. The giveaway itself is going to be on my dear friend’s blog – My Little House Of Treasures on the Blogger/BlogSpot platform – Darlene Demell. <3
I have no plans of quitting my YouTube channel anytime soon. I’m also going to forge ahead with BOTH my blogs. My other site/blog… GrandmaHomeBloggers.com I’ve had that one for over 10 years and I have some good content on that site.
So hopefully, the beginning of 2022 will find me a good bit more successful. I’m certainly willing to work hard for it, and will do so.
I think that about does it for this blog entry…a little bit more personal and not as formal.
Thank you so much for reading! Love you all.
Latest posts by Tammy (see all)
- Happy Fall Ya’ll! About Avon and My YouTube Channel - September 28, 2021
- 15 Retin-A Beauty Tips For Less Skin Irritations - February 16, 2021
- Avon Unboxing – Beauty Video - March 10, 2020