Every day, I try to look my best when I go anywhere.
Notice I said, “I try.” Of course, there are always unexpected things that come up when I have to fly out of the house without putting a pretty face on. However, there are many things that keep a woman feeling beautiful and good about herself that doesn’t have anything to do with simple makeup. I have come up with 10 beauty tips to make your world a better place and also, help you feel better in your own skin.
All of us have various diets, climates, lifestyles, and skin types that play a significant role in how we look and feel about ourselves. I have provided 10 beauty tips that can make a huge difference in how YOU look and feel.
1) Skin: It’s always a good idea to start each day with a clean, fresh face. For me, that’s a given! I always begin and end each day with a
good skin regimen. Cleanse and exfoliate your face every day; morning and evening. Cleansing and exfoliating lets you deep clean your skin and pores. It also helps with getting rid of dead skin cells. Good, conditioned skin is an excellent base for any makeup you use.
2) Rest and Recharge: Too much work without any rest is extremely bad for anyone. It certainly helps if you don’t work a job on weekends. If you don’t, that’s a plus with getting the rest you need so you feel more recharged to start a new week. ๐ It’s important that we stop every once in awhile and take time out for YOU! Yes, just you. If you have a large family, and you work long hours and the weekend, it will, of course, be hard to find time for yourself. Work out arrangements with your spouse so you BOTH get time to rest and recharge. Your skin, eyes, and everything else just looks and feels better. Getting enough rest makes you feel recharged and refreshed.
3) Alcohol: I honestly like to have a glass of wine or a mixed drink once in awhile. However, if you use alcohol heavily on a daily bases, it’s not good for a number of reasons. Number one, alcohol will definitely take its toll on your skin. Did you know that it dries your skin out excessively? Not to mention the many things it does to your body. If you must consume alcohol, use it moderately. You certainly don’t want to look and FEEL old before your time.
4) Hair: My hair is very important to me; as it is with many women. Although, there are some that just don’t give a hoot. To each her own right? Hair is important as to how you look and feel each and every day. For more beautiful hair, eat plenty of protein, and keep it clean and pay attention to daily moisturizing. I take a hair, skin, and nail supplement daily. You can get good sources of protein by eating lots of eggs, meat, and various types of nuts. Also, you need to heavily moisturize your hair if you have it treated on a regular bases; such as coloring. Deep moisturizing with oil treatments is a good idea too.
5) Sun: A lot of women love to soak in the sun rays on a favorite beach somewhere; me included! While doing my research for this article, I came upon the site below. It states this exactly on the following page: “There really isn’t such a thing as a healthy tan,” By Dr. Stein.
If you want skin like leather, soak up all the sun you can without any sunscreen and moisturizer at all. It’s not good for your hair either. Please wear sufficient sunscreen while out in the sun. Avon has plenty of
makeup with sunscreen, especially their Anew skin care line. Lots of sun exposure can certainly not only severely dry out your skin, but also it increases the risk of developing melanoma, (skin cancer). Not pretty and NOT healthy!
6) Activity: If you work from home every day as I do, that can lead to unhealthy inactivity. Members of my family are constantly onto me for sitting too long. Yes, I’ve got to get moving again…admitting to not doing my workouts lately too. ๐ Not good! However, I’m very excited for spring and summer weather, so I can get out and walk and be active again. Not only the heart, pancreas, and colon are at risk with a sedentary lifestyle; your skin and how you look is also compromised. I found out that a good healthy sweat is awesome for your face. It gives you a mini facial. Your heart gets a workout too, and that leads to opened arteries in your skin. The blood reaches the skin’s surface and does its repair. Therefore, you look AND feel better!
7) Water: Everyone knows that drinking vast amounts of water is good for you. However, did you know that lots of water results with many, many benefits to your skin and hair? Come on…most of you know this, but how many are taking advice and drinking more water? I’d rather not think about that. Water is imperative to a healthier you. Your body consists of about 70% of water. So, it’s logical that water is essential to relatively every organ and cells in our bodies. Also, did you know that our skin is the largest organ in the body? That’s why is it so important to consume lots of water for more beautiful and hydrated skin. So, drink up…water that is! ๐
8) Smoking: Nicotine is extremely conducive to your health and skin. Smoking ages you much faster that normal. How is this so? Smoking results with narrowed blood vessels in the outer skin; thus it results with lack of blood flow and oxygen. Think of years of smoking and what it could do to your face. Not to mention your all-over skin, lungs and other organs of the body. If you currently smoke, quit. If you are not a smoker, don’t start!
9) Laughter: Everyone loves to laugh. It’s awesome medicine for the heart, soul, spirit, skin, less stress, and a slew of other things. I typed into Google “laughter and aging.” I found out quite a lot. It’s logical that people would question this; as we associate aging with laugh lines. I’m quite sure that’s just a myth. ๐
I found out that our nerve endings are connected to our skin. Well, I sort of known that from the start; however, I was curious as to what I could find by searching Google. I was reminded that stress and worry bring on acne and also decreases collagen in the skin. And guess what? Laughter releases hormones and endorphins. Sound familiar? Those endorphins produce collagen that fights wrinkles. Just think of the benefits of a lifetime of laughter!
10) Spiritual Healing: Spiritual healing (kind of) goes hand in hand with laughter. Wouldn’t you think so? Spiritual healing works from deep down in your heart and soul. This in itself, makes a person feel better about themselves. When you feel better, of course, you LOOK better. Spiritual healing makes you more stress-free and more peaceful with your mind, body, and spirit. Of course, this is going to make you feel and look much younger than your years!
I certainly hope that these 10 beauty tips made sense to you. We all would like to grow old gracefully. My advice is to take the above tips into consideration along with consistently using some good anti-aging creams and lotions and make using them morning and evening a continued regimen. After all, beauty is more than skin-deep.
Every woman feels better inside and out when they look their best. ๐
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