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saltedcaramelcandle Over the weekend I rearranged some things in my office in order to attractively display my Avon products I’ve accumulated so far. =)

So far, my office is looking great!

It’s a whole new world for me now that I’ve joined the world of Avon. <3 It's totally different than selling Avon as a teenager. It was all face to face, and I was very frightened! LOL :/ Now you can choose to sell it strictly online, face to face, or both. It just works out better for me to sell (just online).

Below are the products I have on display

You can order from my eStore in the following categories:

Order Makeup Products Here

Order Bath and Body Products Here

Order Skin Care Products Here





Order Here Makeup Products Online


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Blogger and Beauty Influencer
Tammy Embrich is a full time, work from home blogger, writer, and an Avon Representative. She is the proud grandmother of 2 wonderful grandchildren. You can visit Tammy at Grandparenting Articles and Tips. Thank you for visiting! <3